Build Days 225-230.....Paint
You've probably wondered where I've been? I've been working on the car, but I haven't got around to posting as it's not been interesting stuff. Basically, I've had to do more and more coats of paint to the nose cone and scuttle. Once the first set of coats I did had hardened off, I flatted them down, but it was clear may more coats were required, so this is what I've been doing: applying a few coats, waiting two weeks, flatting down, then applying more coats, then waiting two weeks etc, etc.
I've put what is hopefully the final coats on today - we'll see for certain in two weeks.
I also got the VIN number I requested. This has been stamped on both the chassis and an aluminium plate which is riveted to the chassis in the engine bay.
I'm not able to do anything else really until the painting is done. However, I'm not in any rush now as summer is over and I have all winter. I'd rather take my time and get it right than rush and bodge it up.