Monday, May 03, 2010

Build Days 209, 210 & 211.....Bodywork

In the end, I haven't yet finished the plumbing. This is because some small clips I needed and had ordered did not arrive by this weekend.
However, I've not wasted this bank holiday weekend. I got on and did two jobs I was dreading; namely finishing the scuttle and the nose cone, ready for painting. Bodywork is not my favourite thing - I don't seem to have the patience it requires. Having said this, I'm pretty happy with the results.
The scuttle was the first to do. I'd build the frame for it many moons ago, but it needed to be wrapped in aluminium. Took a bit of doing to get it neat, but it's done and has been prepped ready for painting.
Next came the nose cone. It was in a bit of a state and needed a lot of TLC - basically, filling, and sanding, and filling and sanding....well, you get the idea. It's now nice and smooth and, again, ready for painting. Here's what the car now looks like with the scuttle and nose fitted:

Of course, they won't stay the colours they are. They are both going to be painted black to match the rest of the bodywork.

I have also spent some time tidying some more of the wiring, in between waiting for filler to set.


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